50 Jahre: 1972 - 2022
Geschichten zum Neuguss-Jubiläum
In Beziehung sein – Geschichten zum Jubiläum

Legal Notice

Neuguss Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Borsigstraße 7
24568 Kaltenkirchen

Phone +49 (0) 4191 8009-55


VAT registration number: DE136713743
Tax ID: 11/293/10226
District court: Kiel HRB Nr. 20392 KI

Management: Kathrin Bleks

Copying, dublicating and publishing of content requires a written confirmation.
Editor in charge: Kathrin Bleks
Email: info@neuguss.com


Corinna Maliske

Picture credits
OLOID in conversation – Thinking outside the box, OLOID GmbH
The „house“ – Place to meet and to settle the heart, Enno Kapitza
NetWorks – With one another and for one another, Miranda Tahiri, Tanja M. Marotzke
Mercurius in conversation – About working with one another, Tanja M. Marotzke
Praxis partnership Alanus – Learning from one another, Konstantin Behr, Jonathan Kümmerle
New legal forms – From inner movement to outer form, Ingo Krampen
STOCKMAR in conversation – Diversity vs monoculture, WALA Heilmittel GmbH
Heading towards future – Alfred Rexroth’s legacy, Neuguss Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Move it – Shared values for a future economy, Tanja M. Marotzke, Tanja Münnich
We SOTRUST in one motto – The common good over self-interest, Charlotte Fischer, Konstantin Behr
Change on perspective – Eversion and transformation, Tanja M. Marotzke
GLS Treuhand in conversation – From a culture of giving, Eike Krebs, Tanja Münnich
Albert Fink – On the origins of Neuguss, GLS Bank, Alfred Scherer, Lohr am Main
ZSE in conversation – Building bridges, Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung
Study – On quality and effects, Margarete Ostheimer GmbH, Sibylle Engstrom / Clemens Jung
ZSL in conversation – Preserving creation, Eike Krebs, Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft
Aesthetic company management – What does collaboration mean?, Enno Kapitza
Mercurius USA in conversation – „What the Neuguss means to me“, Mercurius USA, Allyson Jakubicka
Neuguss in conversation – Doing business economics differently, Peter Piechotta, Tanja M. Marotzke
Industrial and creative processes – Alfred Rexroth as an artist, Alfred Scherer, Lohr am Main
Working in the field – Change through social design, Eike Krebs
Alfred Rexroth GmbH in conversation – taking an idea into the future, Eike Krebs, Alfred Rexroth GmbH
ahu in conversation – On coming together, MW/stock.adobe.com, ahu GmbH
Neuguss on tour – A very special trip to Kenya, Neuguss Stiftung
Cusanus Hochschule – Business can be rethought, Artur Lik
Rexroth Rhinow in conversation – On the here and now, Rexroth Rhinow
de Immen e. V. Species-appropriate apiculture, de Immen e. V.
Alanus University – Diversity of methods, Alanus University

Creative Director
Sabine Gasser • Gestaltung
www.sabinegasser.de / Hamburg

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